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Provedeme vás požadavky ESG. 

Máme zkušenosti s vaším sektorem průmyslu. 
Analýza materiality, hodnotového řetězce, reporting ESG.



Why ESG?

Because investors need comprehensive and comparable data for listed companies. Banks and other institutions, but also investors, want to favour organisations that behave responsibly and contribute to EU climate or inclusion goals. Most importantly, the EU is committed to its environmental and human rights obligations and needs the cooperation of not only Member States but also organisations. ESG also hopes to raise awareness in organisations and improve social dialogue in these areas.


Will ESG affect us?

The obligatory entities include large companies traded on the CP exchange (over 500 employees), and from 2024 the scope will be gradually extended to companies with over 250 employees and a turnover of over CZK 1 billion or assets over CZK 500 million, as well as SMEs traded on the CP exchange (except micro-enterprises). But companies within their supply chains are not off the hook either, as they will have to report to them within the scope of the requirements of the simplified standards for SMEs (under development).


Where can we find information?

The basis is the CSRD (EU 2022/2464 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and the implementing standards for sustainability reporting ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standard). Also see the Taxonomy Regulation (EU 2020/852 , Taxonomy Regulation) for an overview of acceptable sustainable activities to avoid complications. Follow relevant resources such as our blog and live broadcasts -)


Does it help that we have an ISO?

Organisations that already have an ISA are at an advantage. They have set up an effective risk and process-based management system for the area and already meet many of the requirements. ISO is an effective tool for sustainability management and governance. Moreover, it has international validity and has been proven over many years, with millions of organisations using it. 


How can the S-cope experts help me?

Our experience in ISO management systems gives us a deeper insight into the individual factors of ESG sustainability.  For many years we have been working in areas such as environmental protection (ISO 14001, 50001...), corruption (ISO 37001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001), quality and process management ( ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO 13485...) etc. Therefore, we can grasp them and guide you through the ESG requirements, which are like an interleaved puzzle for us.

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S-cope je spolupořadatelem odborné konference ESG meetup!

Akci pořádáme ve spolupráci s Českou tiskovou kanceláří (ČTK) a zajišťujeme odbornou garanci.

Více informací a možnost registrace naleznete níže.


ESG od požadavku po reporting

Komunikace (v) ESG


ISO-ESG context

Or read more in this slim and clear book.

I was very interested in the idea of linking ISO and ESG. We attended a number of lectures, but I heard about this connection for the first time from you.

Lukáš Kalvoda, Business Innovation Manager, Moravskoslezské inovační centrum

We talk about changes in the requirements of sustainability reporting standards, as well as materiality analysis, in the next part of the ISO-ESG series. 

O měření uhlíkové stopy ve scopu 1, 2 i 3 s prof. Kočím z VŠCHT. 

How are the organizations prepared and how will it be run?

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