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Our services

We provide a wide range of services. If you don´t see you are looking for, contact us  please.

What do clients say?

ISO 45001 training

“The managers and management of the Autoneum plant have completed tandem training for  ISO 45001. Thanks to two lecturers, it was assumed that the training would have a gradient and that our people would be more involved in the interpretation or, thanks to the rotation of lecturers, they would at least keep their attention. This assumption has been fulfilled. The explanation was adapted to the individual levels of management and accompanied by specific examples from practice, which particularly interested our Masters. What turned out to be crucial was the language skills of the lecturers and the ability to conduct top management training in German and English. ” 

-  Pavel Bříza, EHS manager, Autoneum

expert Herohero space

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Based on demand, we are also able to provide other services. Contact us.

About us

We cover all sectors of industry and management. We share the same values, your trust is our commitment, your satisfaction our goal.

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