Moje cesta k S-cope
Vystudovala jsem obor, získala praxi a absolvovala řadu odborných školení a získala relevantní certifikace od Manažera kvality po Lead Auditora.
Jsem členkou Technické normalizační komise a podílím se na vývoji ISO standardů. Protože v nich vidím přínos pro klienty.
Naše cesta k vám
Začala jsem se obklopovat odborníky, které spojuje nadšení pro systémy ISO, které pomáhají v každodenní operativě.
Nabízíme zavedení systému řízení a přípravu na certifikaci, ale i nápravu nefunkčního systému, interní audit externí stranou s novým pohledem či specifická školení na míru. Pomůžeme i s dodavatelskými audity nebo s vámi budeme v době, kdy nás potřebujete jako mentor či interim manažer.
Veronika Soukupová, CEO

Lead auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001. Lead verifier for EU ETS a JI&CDM verifications plus Carbon Footprint verification.
In carbon verification area he delivered 120 EU ETS verifications, 25 JI determinations/verifications and 10 CDM validations, and others.
Speaking Czech and English.

Consultancy: IATF 16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001
2nd party auditor: IATF 16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, VDA 6.3, VDA 6.5, VDA 6.2, Quality planning, SQA, SCM...
3rd party auditor: ISO 9001, ISO 14001
Other knowledges: Projectmanagement, APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, MSA, 5Why, Ishikawa, 8DReport...
ISO-ESG consultant.
Speaking Czech, German and English.

Consultancy: ESG and CSR.
Expert knowledge in Social factor topics od ESG including the role of non-profit, NGOs.
Speaking Czech and English.

Lean-Operation Excellence consultant.
2nd and 3rd part auditor:
ISO 9001, 13485, 14001, 45001, risk management ISO 14971.
ISO-ESG consultant.
Speaking Czech and English.

Consultancy, Lead Auditor (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 20000-1, ISO 22000, ISO/EIC 27001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001, IATF 16949, ISO/IC 2000-1, ISO 22000, GDPR, SA-8000). Project management.
ISO-ESG consultant.
Speaking Czech, English and Germany.

Consultancy ISO 45003 and related topics (physical health). Executive and Business Certified Coach. Soft skills trainer.
ESG: Social factor.
Speaking Czech and English.

System audits (internal, external), process audits according to VDA 6.3, management system optimization, ISO 14001, VDA standards, QS standards, Supplier management. ESG consultant.
Other knowledges: six sigma methodology, lean manufacturing, project management. ISO-ESG consultant. Speaking Czech, German and English fluently.

Quality Consultant, Quality Engineer, Auditor and Lector of several quality tools (FMEA, SPC, 8D report, MSA, DOE, PPAP, Control Plan, Product Audit, Basic Quality Tools, Basic Statistics and its practical application...).
Speaking Czech, German and English fluently.

Consultancy, 2nd and 3rd part audits: ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 28000, ISO 45001, ISO 50001.
ISO-ESG consultant.
Speaking Czech, and English.

Consultancy: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 & ISO 50001
2nd party auditor: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001.
Skilled TAPA TSR & FSR standard implementor (transport and storage of high value goods).
Speaking Czech and English.

Consultancy, 2nd and 3rd part audits: ISO 9001, EN 9100: 2016, IOSA (IATA), ISO 14001, customer standards. Experienced professional in the field of aviation, general machining, planning & control, supply chain, lean (Green Belt) and controlling. Skilled Project and Program Manager.
Speaking Czech, English, German and French at professional level.

Interim Quality Manager. Internal auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001. ISO-ESG consultant.
Automotive, engineering.
Speaking Czech, German and English.

Consultancy related to implementation of ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO 14001, HACCP, Automotive SPiCE. Experiences: process analysis, process control implementation and process improvement projects, quality assurance in software development projects.
Speaking Czech, English and German at professional level.

Consultancy related to implementation of ISO 27001, ISO 20000-1 & ITIL4, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, TISAX. ISO/IEC 27001 external auditor.
Speaking Czech and English.

Quality & EHS Manager, IMS Manager. Auditor ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, VDA 6.3 Certified Auditor, VDA Maturity Level Assurance for new parts, Failure Analysis field, knowledge and application of methods (APQP, QVP, PPAP, VDA 2, SPC, 5S, etc).
ISO-ESG consultant
Speaking Czech, English and German at a professional level.

Consultancy in quality management systems wtih strong focus at the automotive industry, 1st, 2nd and 3rd part audits: ISO 9001, IATF 16949.
Statistical process control
Measurement process analysis
Lecturer, consultant, auditor
Speaking Czech, German and English.

22 years of experience in quality, process improvement, communication with suppliers and customers, Knowledge of quality techniques in the automotive industry.
Internal auditor IATF 16949/ ISO 13485, ISO 14001, VDA 6.3, VDA 6.5, auditor of VDA standards, 5S system, Six Sigma, Green belt certificate, Problem Analysis,
COQ, APQP, PFMEA, APIS sw, PPAP, VDA, and more. Knowledge of Metrology.

Consultancy related to implementation of ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO 80079-34. Internal auditor. Certified 3rd party VDA 6.3 auditor. Knowledge and application of automotive core tools (APQP, FMEA, SPC, PPAP, MSA). Certified Green Belt focused on process development with usage of process and machine capability. Knowledge of VDA standards (VDA 6.5, VDA 2, VDA 19.1, VDA 19.2).

Implementation, maintenance, auditing improvement of ISO 9001, ISO 37001, ISO 37301. Identification of compliance risks, especially corruption risks, and setting up a system to minimize them.
Audit of the existing documentation of the organization, proposing its update in relation to new requirements of legislation and standards. Auditor. Trainer. Speaking Czech and English.

IRCA Lead Auditor for ISO 9001, internal auditor and trainer for ISO 13485. Senior Quality Manager with experience in implementing and improving QMS in software development companies.
Speaking Slovak and English

Czech and English speaking Quality manager, Medical device consultant, IRCA Lead Auditor ISO 13485.
15 years working in medical device and pharmaceutical business.
Experience in biotechnologies, aseptic production, electro-optical systems, X-ray imaging and others at positions in quality production management and sales. Site auditor (Czech Metrology Institut).

Czech and English speaking Quality manager, Pharma and Medical device consultant for ISO certification & products certification, implementation and improvement of QMS according to ISO 13485:2016, MDD 93/42/EEC and MDR 2017/745, Cleanroom validation, Microbiological Monitoring in production area, Internal and External testing of Medical Devices according to ISO standards, EuPh, USP or other specification.

GMP Qualified Person, GDP Responsible PersonGMP auditor of Czech and Slovak hospital´s transfusion centers, ISO 9001& GDP auditor Regulatory (registration & notification) for medicinal products and medical devices.
Speaking Czech and English.

Skilled Quality Manager and Auditor ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 focused on Food and Pharma products as well as Medical Devices.
Speaking Slovak and English.

Quality and Food Safety Manager experienced in different food production and packaging (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IFS food, BRC packaging). IRCA Lead auditor 9001. Other knowledges: metrology, DDD, waste management, chemical substances.
She speaks Czech and English.
Environmental compliance and management systems - ISO 14001, waste management and circular economy, packaging, chemical substances, air and water protection, greenhouse gases, integrated prevention a control, emergency prepardness, ADR - transport of dangerous goods safety advisor.
ISO-ESG consultant.
Speaking Czech, English.
Co říkají klienti?
Externí zabezpečení systému řízení kvality
S Veronikou spolupracujeme již několik let, jako s naším externím auditorem a lépe jsme si vybrat nemohli. Skvělý přístup, vždy dobrá nálada, nové nápady, motivace celého týmu.
— Gabriela Hrbáčková, General Manager, Hofmann Personal -
V jiných oblastech doporučujeme

Due diligence - právní audity
"Zkontrolujeme i upravíme vaše právní dokumenty od obsahu a vzájemné souladnosti všech používaných smluv, přes plnění zákonných povinností, až třeba po správnost a úplnost veškerých právních informací, které musíte mít na svém webu. " Alexandra Mára Paurová

Facility management
Vytváření zdravého a bezpečného pracovního a životního prostředí a dosažení provozní efektivity, kdy se optimálně využívají budovy, stroje, zařízení jako firemním aktivum ke tvorbě zisku. S tím Vám pomůže Vladimír Baletka

Leadership a obchod
Během své 20leté manažerské praxe Kateřina Braitwaite získala bohaté zkušenosti v oblasti obchodních setkání a vyjednávání na vysoké i mezinárodní úrovni. Potřebujete školení a koučování v oblasti interkulturní komunikace, leadershipu, obchodu, komunikace a profesionální etikety?

LCA, posuzování životního cyklu
"Určujeme a vypočítáváme environmentální parametry životního cyklu výrobků a uhlíkovou stopu organizací, nejen pro nefinanční reporting ESG, ale také pro interní zlepšování organizací v parametrech udržitelnosti." Tatiana Trecáková

Zástupce certifikační společnosti IFS
"Pořádáme pravidelná setkání se všemi zúčastněnými stranami - retail, certifikační společnosti, poradci, dozorové orgány i každoroční konferenci pro výrobce potravin (www.IFSkonference.cz). "
Miroslav Šuška
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